Ready to start your career in the lash industry?

Let’s face it, there are a ton of options out there when it comes to taking a class in lash artistry. But, I want to do things a little differently. Most classes are one or two days jam packed with so much to learn that it’s overwhelming. The first class I took was one day for 7 hours, I didn’t learn much and was definitely not confident about any of the skills I had just learned. I knew I needed space to ask questions, mess up, and feel supported (we ALL attach a lash to the gel pad, anyone who says they haven’t is lying 🤣). It took me months to even try to do lashes because I was so intimidated and not confident in myself.

My goal is to offer a course tailored to what YOU need to feel confident and supported on your journey to becoming a lash boss!

  • FOUR WEEKS of training
    - 4 in-person days 5 hours total of 20 hours of completion.
    - weekly homework and reading. Mini quiz but only to gauge knowledge, so don’t stress!
    During this time you will have access to me via text directly to answer any questions.

  • Certificate of completion.

  • Mentorship after completion for two months

  • Opportunity for an apprenticeship if interested.

What I’m offering

What You’ll need

  • You must be a licensed cosmetologist, esthetician, or registered nurse. This is required by the state of California to be a lash artist. If you are a student, you need to be within 2 months of your completion date.

  • 8-10 hours a week. Our in-person day can be flexible but is necessary. You’ll need some time for additional study as well.

  • Provide your own models. We will need up to 5 models who are willing to have YOU apply lash extensions to them, free of charge.


Education Only

Education + Kit

Lash Lift/Tint add on
(extra 3 hrs, you purchase kit)




You can choose to purchase and curate your own kit or I can provide one for you.

Lash Lift/Tint is an easy way to up your game, & is a pretty popular service. I use Refectocil Sensitive tint, the only tint approved by the FDA/State Board.